
Tuesday, 3 January 2012

I sewed something!!!

Hello Everybody!

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and New Year. Happy 2012! This is just a quick post to say that I made something, with my sewing machine. Yep, you heard correctly, I sewed something. Sunday (New Year's Day) was dull, wet and grey so I decided to get Sally out (yes, that's her new name!) and create. As I'm not particularly familiar (to say the least) with sewing, I thought I'd better start out with something simple. I found this pretty plastic bag tote on the Martha Stewart website, via Pinterest, and thought it looked fairly foolproof. Instead of using a tea towel, like she suggests, I used some pretty stripey (?stripy) fabric that I bought from Ikea a few months back.

I thought the stripes might make it easier to sew but, as you'll see, I used the fabric so that the stripes were horizontal, slightly defeating the object of helping me to sew in a straight line.

Anyway, it's not rocket-science. You just have to make a tube with a hem at the top and bottom, thread some elastic through the bottom bit and sew in a ribbon at the top for hanging.

It's by no means perfect, but was very simple and quick to make and would make a good gift. This one is all mine though!

Well, at least 2012 has got off to a good start in the world of crafting. I need to find another simple project for my next mission, any ideas?

Better get the bins in,

Thistle Girl x

1 comment:

  1. How funny, I used to have the exact same fabric! I don't know what happened to it though, I think can remember sewing a skirt, but it' definitely not in my wardrobe... weird!
    I like your bag, it looks so happy. :o) is it proving itself useful?

